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"I come from proud a family that has been involved with public service for as long as I can remember. I want to work for you. We need to create more energizing atmosphere, improve our universities engagement with other, and make world cleaner - especially getting carbon emissions on the campus to zero, a top priority. With nearly a decade of student experience, I know what it takes to find solutions, navigate the complicated governing bodies in the university, and get things done."
Quality of Education

We all enrol to university with a purpose. Either dreaming an academic career or pursuing a career in the industry whether public or private, we want to gain the required perspective, knowledge and experience to prepare us for our future. 

There is no one who didn't hear from someone that they trust the future generation. We hear it from our very own parents and family members, teachers, school principal, political figures and leaders. Well, if you haven't heard it yet from the university's president, you'll hear it in your graduation ceremony in a near future. There are big expectations from the Canadian society from the young adults like us. 

I want to open the discussion whether the words meet the reality in the sense that if the ground is set up for our success. 

Collaboration & Rebranding

Do you think Carleton University is the only university in the province or in Canada? Of course not! There are many undergraduate students across Canada like us. They have student associations as well. They collaborate to solve some of the problems that needs to be solved together. Here are the two that is relevant to us:

1- Ontario Undergraduate Student Alliance,

2- Canadian Alliance of Student Associations

Carleton is not among them! Let's remember our universities' motto: "Canada's Capital University". Well, we will join them, promote what we have good to other universities (such as being the best university with accessibility features) and bring in what is good in their practices.


We will work together to make a difference in our society including the climate change! 


Starting from our university, we need to make our space clean! Carleton University students will be in lead to promote this to other universities. We will have an exemplary attitude towards the disease of our time! 


As an international student I know the importance of diversity for all. Freedom of expression needs to be practiced​, not only written in the documents!

Better Deals

From health insurance to transportation, from shopping to car insurance, I will negotiate with companies to get you the best deals in all areas! We will work together and achieve this! 

Live the advantages of being a student!

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